Reviewing your security posture with the Cyber Fitness dashboard

Learn how to draw insights and define your next best action using your dashboard

This feature is visible to users with Owner and Admin roles.

The Cyber Fitness dashboard is the first page you will see when you log into Autobahn Fit if you have already run your first scan. It showcases the latest result as all-in-one aggregated data that take into account results from all scans you have run within Autobahn Fit, as well as those imported from third-party integrations (asset & scanning tools) and manually.

The dashboard showcases various graphs, including your historical Hackability Score. The Hackability Score is a measure that defines your organization's security posture. The lower the number, the stronger your security posture.

Table of Content

1. Track your Hackability score over time

2. Improve your Hackability Score with Workouts

3. See how many issues you have

4. See which issues and assets don't have an owner yet

5. See which assets require your immediate attention

6. View different dashboard types

7. Download the dashboard as a PDF 

8. Create a custom dashboard

1. Track your Hackability score over time

This section includes the current value of the ‘Hackability Score’ and the ‘Hackability Score overtime’. The Hackability Score shows the effort an adversary has to expect when trying to break into your organization. The higher the score the more likely it is that the adversary can harm. This information is updated daily.

The current Hackability Score has a bounded score within 0-100 range. The smaller the number, the more fit your Organization is.

You can also view your Hackability score changes over time through the ‘Hackability score over time’ graph provided below the Hackability score by hovering on the graph’s line, for example:

You can also adjust the chart to a selected time frame with the use of the slider.

The following parameters affect your Hackability Score which can go up or down based on:

  1. New issue discovered and mapped by Autobahn Fit, and/or scan engine connector (goes up)

  2. Individual issues marked as:

    1. Remediated (goes down)

    2. Risk accepted (goes down)

    3. False positive (goes down)

    4. Active (goes up)

  3. Marking workout as:

    1. Done (goes down)

    2. Risk accepted (goes down)

    3. To-do (goes up)

2. Improve your Hackability Score with Workouts

In this section, you can find the Workouts that - when completed - reduce your overall Hackability with the Small to Medium effort needed. They are sorted by the Hackability Reduction value. The highlighted ones are recommended by Autobahn to be completed first.

Clicking on a Workout card will take you to the Cyber Fitness Workouts page, where you will find related issues sharing a common root cause that can be remediated with the same steps. Detailed step-by-step guides are provided to assist in the remediation process, making it accessible even for non-security experts. This feature allows for easy assignment of remediation tasks.

3. See how many issues your have

You can view the number of issues categorized by the severity level (critical, high and medium) with their statuses.

There are five issues statuses in Autobahn Fit:

New :The newly discovered issues from the latest scan.

Active: The issues that have been discovered since the first scan. These issues have been accepted or acknowledged as ‘risk’ but have not yet been remediated.

Remediated: The issues have been mitigated and marked as remediated.

Resurfaced: The previously mitigated issue(s) which discovered again after you performed the re-scan.

False positive: The issues that are discovered but do not exist in the assets, and is marked as false positives.

Risk accepted: The issues are discovered, acknowledged as ‘risk’, and marked as risk accepted.

4. See which issues and assets don't have an owner yet

Assigning issues and assets to the respective person is crucial for streamlining the remediation process. Within the 'Unassigned Assets and Issues' section, you can easily identify assets and issues that require assignment to ensure efficient resolution.

5. See which assets require your immediate attention

In this section, we display the assets with the highest vulnerability impact, making them the most susceptible to hacking. By clicking on each asset card, you can access detailed information about these assets.

It is highly recommended to prioritize remediating these assets because addressing critical issues on them will significantly lower your organization's overall security posture as reflected in the Hackability Score.

6. View different dashboard types

When you click on the Dashboard, the ‘Organization view’ of the ‘Default dashboard’ type will be displayed. It includes the aggregated stats on the Organization level to help you get an overview of your organization’s security posture.

Click the My View’ tab to find the workouts, issues, and assets that are assigned to you.


7. Download the dashboard as a PDF 

You can also download the dashboard by clicking the Download Dashboard as PDF button on the top right section of the page

8. Create custom dashboard

To increase the transparency and flexibility of our platform and enable data comparison between different business entities, you can also create a custom dashboard by selecting assets or issues to be included in the dashboard.