Customize Workouts to fit your needs

Learn how to customize your Workouts through this guide

Table of content

What is a Workout editor

Navigate to edit the Workout page

Edit your Workout detail

Get familiar with the text formatting

Different text structures to choose


What is a Workout editor

To enable you to customize a Workout to the specific needs of your organization - infrastructure, environment, processes, you can use the “Edit Workout” feature. Please note that after editing your Workout, Autobahn’s Technical Writer will review the changes before publishing the new version of the Workout for your organization. This edited version of Workouts is not visible to other organizations.

Navigate to edit the Workout page

To access this feature, after logging into your Autobahn Fit account, navigate to the Workouts detail page.

1 - On top of the Workout detail page, click the Edit Workout button.

Edit your Workout detail

1 - Upon pressing the “Edit Workout” button you will be presented with the entire content of the Workout remediation guides in the WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) text editor. You will be able to change both the Workout’s structure and the way the text looks like.

To understand the text editor format, navigate to this section.

2 - After editing the Workout, click the Submit button to submit the changing request. Once you’ve submitted the updated version of the Workout, it will be sent to Autobahn Fit for review.

Please note that when the updated Workout is pending for review, the existing Workout:

  • Can’t be edited (there’s an indication for that and the “Edit Workout” button will be disabled)

  • Can be downloaded as a PDF

  • Can be exported to a ticketing system

  • Will have the “Share feedback” feature available if there’s some additional feedback to be shared with the Autobahn Fit Team

3 - After the review, the Autobahn Technical Writer publishes the new version of the Workout for a specific organization (a dedicated Workout). The newly published Workout can be edited again.

Get familiar with the text formatting

The following formatting options are available in the Workout editor:

  • Headers (H3, H4, H5)

    • The headers create the structure of the Workout and add some space between the chunks of text for better readability.

    • The headers, somewhat counterintuitively, start from 3 as the other levels are reserved by the Autobahn Fit for other uses.

  • Bold

    • To make some parts of the text stand out.

  • Italics

    • A more subtle way of making parts of the text stand out.

  • Code line

    • For the code-related instructions that are used contextually inside a line of text.

  • Code block

    • Useful for the chunks of code that can be copied and pasted.

  • Quotes (notes)

    • Their yellow background will help you get users' attention.

  • Links

    • For references to other online resources.

  • Unordered list

    • For enumerations or easy classifications without particular order.

  • Ordered list

    • For sequential actions or enumerations in a particular order.

Please note that some of the Workouts may contain images. However, the editor doesn’t allow for adding them. To add an image, please use links to images hosted externally.

Different text structures to choose

In general, differentiate two types of Workouts:

  • Structured by the remediation steps
  • Structured by the remediation options

The Header 3 level steps and options will become a clickable section of the Workout and also a part of the text will be shown in the navigation on the Workout detail page (the “Next” and “Previous” navigation buttons will be added automatically):

Workout with remediation steps

Sometimes the remediation work can be done following the step-by-step instructions included in the Workout. A step includes a chunk of work and its completion is required to get to the next step (e.g. changing settings and testing a new configuration). Some of the existing Workouts might include options inside steps if a Workout is more complex, but that’s rare - we keep Workouts as simple as possible.

Workout with remediation options

There are also examples of Workouts that branch out to various remediation options. These options are different ways of achieving the same goal (and they consist of several steps). Usually, an option requires preparation - an introductory effort to determine which option would be the most suitable one.

A good example is patching software - it can be done by installing updates with the use of the command-line interface or via the graphic user interface. Also, different operating systems are often described separately.


The structure of the Workout is determined by Header 3 and the keywords within it. It is crucial to decide early on whether the organization will be based on Steps or Options. In the case of Options, you can also include steps (and Steps may involve variations - options). Within the text body, you have the flexibility to guide the Workout readers in any manner you deem appropriate. The overall structure is influenced by the utilization of the Header 3 component.

If you aim to lead users through a procedural solution and provide interconnected instructions, then Steps would be the more suitable structure. However, if users need to make initial choices such as selecting operational systems or patching methods, then utilizing Header 3 with the keywords "Remediation option" is recommended.

It is essential to maintain consistency throughout the text to ensure proper display - failing to use the keywords "Remediation option" in Header 3 will result in the system interpreting the text as a step, potentially losing the benefits of utilizing options.

At this point, only the remediation instructions can be edited. This introduction is however rather general and should still be applicable even when the detailed guidelines are updated.