Integrate Qualys integrations with Autobahn Fit

This user manual will instruct you on how you can to integrate your Qualys account with Autobahn Fit

Table of content

Why integrate Qualys with Autobahn

Required information to enable the integrations

Integrate Qualys with Autobahn Fit

Enable or disable your integrations

Delete your Qualys integrations configuration

View your imported Qualys data

Why integrate Qualys with Autobahn

By integrating your Qualys with Autobahn Fit, you enable Autobahn to pull the scan results from the Qualys API regularly.

The pulled data can be seen in one centralized platform, including the necessary remediation steps for identified vulnerabilities. The imported scans will be conveniently displayed on the Scan page for easy access and management.

Required elements to prepare

By integrating your Qualys with Autobahn Fit, you enable Autobahn to automatically import and export your scan reports to your Autobahn Fit. To enable the integration, key elements are required:

  • Qualys platform URL

  • Username and password

Aside from that, you need to check your Qualys user's settings and make sure that:

  • You have allowed API connections

  • Your account role is correct

Please note that Autobahn Fit fetches only the scans, thus, please double-check whether there are scans visible or not.

Collect your Qualys platform URL

On the integrations page, you need to add your Qualys platform URL. To get this URL you can:

1 - Copy the URL of your Qualys account, and remove the port.

Username and password

You need to add both your Qualys username and password to Autobahn Fit Integration page. Please note that the username mentioned here is not your email, but the username that you use to login to your Qualys account.

Qualys user setting

To check your Qualys user settings, you need to:

1 - Log into your Qualys account.

2 - Navigate to the Users page by clicking the Users button on the menu.

3 - On the Users page, navigate to the users that you need to update. Click the dropdown/arrow button next to the name.


3 - A dropdown will appear, click the Edit button on the dropdown. You will be directed to the Edit User page.


4 - On this page, click the User Role button on the Sidebar.

5 - The first thing you need to do is check the account user role. Click the User Role dropdown to see the available roles.

There are 5 options of roles, make sure the roles that you select have the ability to view map and scan history. Check this document to see each role's capability:

6 - After you update the user role, make sure you allow access to API.

7 - Once done, click the Save button to save the changes.

Integrate Qualys with Autobahn Fit

After preparing the credentials, log into your Autobahn Fit account and click the Integrations button.

1 - On the Qualys card, click the Configure button. You will be directed to the Qualys integration page.


Tip: If you already have Qualys configured, this means that someone in your organization has already configured the Qualys account, and this applies organization-wide.


To enable the integration, you need to add your credentials in the Input Qualys credentials section.

2 - Input your Qualys platform URL in the Platform URL field.

3 - Input your Qualys username in the Username field. 

4 - Input your Qualys password in the Password field.


Specify your data pulling timespan

You can specify the timespan from which the previous data is pulled. Only scans in the past 3 months can be collected. To select the timespan:

1 - Click the timespan dropdown. A calendar will appear.

2 - Click on the desired starting date to select the date. This will grant Autobahn Fit to your Qualys scan reports that were created since the selected date.


Select how frequently you want your data to be pulled

Through this integration, your Qualys scan data will be pulled automatically every period of time. You can select how frequently you want your data to be pulled.

1 - Click the Frequency dropdown.

2 - Select the frequency from the options.

After you fill in all the credentials, click the Test and save button to save and run the integration. If the credentials are correct, you will be directed to the Integrations page.


Enable or disable your integration

After you integrate your Qualys account, you can enable or disable the integration by:

1 - Navigate to the Integrations page.

2 - Switch off the toggle on the top right of the Qualys card. The blue toggle indicates that the integration is enabled.

Delete your Qualys integration configuration

1 - Navigate to the Integrations page.

2 - Click the Edit button on the bottom of the Qualys card.

3 - You will be directed to the Qualys Integration page. Click the Delete this configuration button to change the credentials.


View your imported Qualys data

After you enable the integration, our engine will immediately fetch your data. To view your data, navigate to the Scanning button on the menu bar, and click the Overview or All scans button. The data are fetched immediately, however, it may take a few minutes for all data to be completely fetched depending on your number of scans.

The Origin indicates the source of the scan, in this case, the scan imported from Qualys has the Qualys logo on the Origin column